Friday, February 4, 2011

My 1st Post...Ever!

Wow, this is a lost of pressure! My first posting on my first blog EVER!  I'm just getting started and am already feeling so much freedom from expressing how I feel. I have titled this blog "Happy New You" because I am on a journey of pursuing the "Me" I believe Christ wants me to be.  I have always loved journaling and thought this would be a way for me to put my thoughts on "paper." While I'm nervous about being vulnerable, I'm excited about what God is going to do in my life and looking forward to the friendships that are built or strengthened a long the way.  You can read more about this on my "Happy New You" tab.  How cool is that?! Day one, and I <3 blogging!


  1. 1. I love reading blogs...especially blogs of people I love and admire, so I'm super excited that you are blogging because I adore you!
    2. I love the concept of your blog. When I was in college I wrote on a little post it note that I keep in my wallet with the phrase "mold me"--this is my prayer, in that I never want to be content to stay in the same place with my relationship with Jesus. I want to always be striving to allow Him to move in my life and heart for my King to mold me more like Him. Do I fail at this most of the time, yes! BUT, by His grace I can keep striving. The picture frame you gave me when I graduated high school has been hanging in every dorm room, rental house, parsonage and apartment I lived in since you gave it to me, the verse is Colossians 3:23, Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart , as working for the Lord, not for man..." May this verse encourage you as a mom, wife, fellow ministry worker and my sweet sister in Christ. I love you!!

  2. Oh Melissa. You have encouraged me so much with what I just read. It was very evident to me that your relationship with Jesus had grown lukewarm (I've been there, still go there many times) and it's also been very evident that you had renewed your relationship with Jesus...all of this via conversations with your mom & being your Facebook friend! You have shed light on that change in this blog and it's a blessing to hear!!! Hebrews 3:13 says to encourage one another daily. And it's such encouragement to me when other believers share how Jesus is working in their everyday life. Thanks for being vulnerable.
