Monday, February 14, 2011

Love is PATIENT!!!

February 14, 2011!  Ahh,  the day of LOVE. Hannah told us that Valentine's Day was her favorite holiday- that it even topped Christmas! She loved making cards for everyone and getting them.  So, last night I stayed up to make sure the kitchen was cleaned up with cute cards and the candy from Grandma at everyone's place (Wow! That cyber talk paints a perfect picture... never mind the literal mountain of laundry a few rooms away.  At least the kitchen was clean!) Anyhow, the kids woke up and looked at their cards and the morning started out picture perfect.

The rest of the day was very busy.  I'm not sure if Selah just had a case of the "Monday's" or what, but she was not coping well with life.  There was lots of her making mad faces, crossing her arms, throwing herself on the floor, yelling for me to hold her... you get the idea.  *Sigh.*

In the morning I was able to grant extra grace to Selah, cuddle her, and move past the bad mood.  But, by 4:00, I was just plain tired of it.   But, I had a plan.  I would put her to bed early, and send Joshua to bed early with Barak, and then head out on a "date" with Gideon and Hannah to our church fundraiser at Pizza Hut.  So, early evening rolls around and Selah is exhausted! Pulling out all the stops! Mooooommmmmyyyyy.  Hoooooooooooolllllllllllllllllllldddddddddddddddd meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.  These words are nice at first, but moms I'm sure you are with me that the "hold me" demand gets old quickly.  I put her in bed and sat next to her.  I stared at her beautiful face and had a moment of peace.  "Happy Valentine's Day Selah, I love you."  She grabbed my head and kissed me on the cheek and said "I love you mom."  In that moment, I truly was so blessed.  I started thinking about the true meaning of love and parts of 1 Corinthians 13 were going through my head.
"Love is patient, Love is kind...."

 And then..... she drifted off to sleep.... Not! (Am I still allowed to use the whole "not" thing or did that leave in 2005.  I have no idea.) Anyway, I wish that was how the story ended but it wasn't.    Then, she rolled over and started in on the whining and crying agian. She kept saying "moooooooooooommmmmmmmm."  Then she would yell "I want a drink." Then, "I have to go potty." "I need other pajamas." Oh my, was I ever DONE by this point.  I started uttering the point that God had just quickened in my heart "Love is patient, Love is kind."  And she kept whining. "Love is patient, love is kind."  I grew more and more frustrated.  "Love is PATIENT!! Love is KIND.  By this time imaginary smoke was blowing out of my ears.
Was this really too much to ask?  A fun little dinner out with my older two children, in a quiet and relaxed setting! "LOVE IS PATIENT!!!!!!!!!!   LOVE IS KIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNND!!!! 

Wow.  What an inaccurate and horrible picture of God's loved I portrayed in that moment.

"Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children, and live alive a life of love, just as Christ loved us and game himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God."  Ephesians 5:1

On this day celebrating "love" I was reminded that God loves me even when I'm "unlovely."  And I am to love others with that same love.  I am to love those who are easy to love, and those who make it difficult.   I am to love those who have hurt me.  I am to love those who have frustrated me.  I am to love those I know and those I don't know.  I am to love when I am tired and when I am alert.  I am to love... just as He loved us.. 

Happy Valentine's Day Friends!

1 comment:

  1. I have a book suggestion for you to read. One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp. I'm still reading it from the library. But I should have bought it, judging from the mountain of notes I have taken. It's about gratitude in the midst of living life raw. God is in the details, God is in the moment. God gives gifts, I give thanks, I upwrap the gift For me, it's anxiety busting! You received gifts yesterday; Hannah's sweet valentines, the peaceful moments with Selah. You even named them, which is what this author says we need to do everyday to live life to the fullest! She says, How do you count on life when the hopes don't add up? The hopes don't have to add up. The blessings do. (If you want to read it, I'll buy it for you.)
