Do you ever visualize the PERFECT version of yourself? I do. I picture myself as a sort of a combination of Kelly Ripa (Fit, beautiful, fun, great mom and good career) Rachel Ray (an amazing cook...Obviously, this is a dream), Beth Moore (the Christian Speaker), and Michelle Duggar (not the having 19 babies and wear a skirt part.. the super patient, perfect mommy part.)
I realize that this is not necessarily a realistic picture of what I should aim for, nor is it really what God has called me to be. But, I do believe that he has called me to "more" than where I am. More days than I want are finished with a "Phew, I made it," instead of "What an awesome day!"
I'm not looking for perfection, but I AM looking for an ABUNDANT life, a JOYFUL life, a FRUITFUL life, and one that is pleasing to Jesus.
Here are my goals right now:
(In a perfect world these would never change, but remember... I'm no Kelly Ripa, so they might!)
*To be in an intimate, growing relationship with Christ
*To grow more and more in love with my hubby
*To become physically fit enough to hit the splash park without being self-conscious
*To have a healthy relationship with food
*To be filled with love and joy
*To experience financial peace (didn't someone write a book about that?! Thank you, Dave Ramsey ;)
*To laugh hard enough to almost pee my pants at least once a week.
*To keep a home that is clean enough that I would let you in if you stopped by unexpectedly
*To live out my calling to ministry in whatever way God leads.
What about you? You didn't think you could just read this blog and move on did you?! Join me on this journey. Start with where you are headed and we will talk to God about how to get there. Write your goals down, post them as a comment, hang them on your fridge, stick them in your Bible, write them on your forehead... whatever works for you!