Sunday, February 6, 2011


"Focus, mom. Focus." My 6 year old daughter told me this for the first time about two months ago.  "Mom, you have to focus.  "What do you mean?" I asked.  Like when I ask you to get something and you say you will get it and then you stop and do something else first. Just do what you said first!"  Wow. Ouch. 
Today I was making burritos for our SuperBowl dinner with some friends.  My daughters were "helping," I had the meat cooking, was trying to cut up lettuce, make guacamole, put the cheese in a bowl, cook the refried beans, and find the torillas when I noticed a huge smile on my friends face.  "What?" I said lightleartedly. Are you laughing at how much I have going on?!" Then I told her what my daughter had said and she replied "She knows you well!"
I think most moms would agree that multitasking is an important part of our job.  I agree and have often taken pride at how many things I can do at the same time... ahem, or try to do.  But I remember one time Oprah saying (and NO, I do not sit around eating bon-bons and watching her... this was pretty much a one time deal!) that it is often less productive to multitask because of how distracted you can become.
Tonight I feel a bit distracted (and SLEEPY!!!)  There is a lot to juggle in my world, and sometimes I feel like I'm so busy doing EVERYTHING, that really I end up getting NOTHING done!  I have had some amazing God moments lately and feel like I have a picture of the goals I need to work on. But now, it's time to flesh these goals out into a plan.  Time to do what I said I would do before moving on to something else.  Time to focus.  But first, time for bed :)

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