Friday, March 25, 2011

Have you seen HER?!

*These are not the actual PJ pants.  Just a dramatazation* :)

Have you seen that lady in Purple Flannel PJ pants pumping gas at the gas station?! Um. Tacky.  I would never go out like that.  Also, I saw her put her kids into the van and they weren't wearing any shoes.  Then, she gave them little donuts to eat.  Donuts!  Her kids will be obese. Good thing I'm way better than her... Oh, wait... I AM her.

Yes, I was the one at the gas station in PJ pants this morning.  But before you judge, hear me out.  I got less than four hours of sleep.  And, I made getting my older two kids to school on time a priority over what I was wearing.  Can you grant me a little GRACE?!

I am so very far from perfect.  EVERYDAY I am reminded of this.  I'm not just talking about the "Big" stuff, I'm talking about the small imperfections that seem to plague my everyday life.  For example:
~ The wearing of PJ pants to the gas station
~ My tantrum throwing child.  Full out, on the floor screaming in the grocery store.
~ Forgetting to put my 2011 registration sticker on my license plate and getting pulled over.  Twice.
~ The sink that is overflowing with dishes
~ My Christmas lights that are still hanging outside (Sorry neighbors!)
~ The fact that my son is watching TV at this very second so that I can write this blog.
~ Being the last one in the preschool line (I mean, someone has to be... But no one wants to be, right?!)

This list could literally go on for pages. PAGES! I may be the only one, but I just do not have it all together all of the time (umm... or ever!)

Though I won't usually come right out and say it, I know when I am falling short.  It is often unproductive to tell me how I'm doing something wrong.  I usually know and already feel terrible about it.  Hearing whispers behind my back or getting comments implying that someone else could do a better job being me than me isn't going to help the situation. (Disclaimer: there are certain situations where confrontation out of love is called for... but not in these pj wearing instances!)

Living through these imperfections has giving me incredible gratitude for the GRACE that has been showered over me ~ especially through this season of raising small children.  While (of course!) I am ultimately the most thankful for the GRACE I have received through Christ, that's not what has tugged at my heart this morning.  I'm talking about the times that people grant GRACE in the everyday moments of life. 

 ~The neighbors haven't pounded on the door yet warning us to take down those lights (or else!~ although that may be coming soon.)
~ The cop let me go with a warning.  Twice. (and yes, same cop!)
~ I have friends that are willing to tread their way through the mess and drink a cup of coffee while I do the dishes.
~My son's preschool director always hugs me and tells me what a great mom I am.  She embodies what it means to be an encourager and I always feel good when I'm around her.
(Again the list could go on for pages of the way I have been granted GRACE!)

Whenever we come in contact with someone we have a choice of the way we will treat them.  We can choose to judge, gossip, and build OURSELVES up by thinking "Wow, I'm better than that."  OR, we can extend GRACE. We can put ourselves in their shoes.  We can offer support instead of judgement.  We can listen instead of gossip.  We can choose to believe that they are doing the best they possibly can at that moment, and to let go of the rest. 

1 Thessalonians 5:11 says:
Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
  Let's be on the same team.  Let's build each other up so that we can be the best we can be.  Let's focus on each other's strength's instead of each other's weaknesses.  And as we experience GRACE, let's all get in the habit of extending GRACE... as Christ did for us.


  1. Wait, is wearing pajama pants out in public a bad thing? I'd better buy some other type of pants.
    And shoes, because I haven't worn actual shoes in quite a while, either. (slippers. i forget they aren't shoes.)

  2. I wear pjs out all the time and if it is not slippers it is flip flops cause those are shoes, really yes they are. And sometimes I remeber I forgot to brush my teeth so I grab a piece of gum and try to avoide people and seem quite rude too I am sure. And hey a donut is better then nothing and who cares if they don't have socks or shoes on the van is warm. I am right tthere with you honey

  3. Melissa and other young mothers, I have a question for you. As a "been there, done that" mother, when I see a screaming child in the store, I often want to say something to the child in love to distract them, or to offer a sympathetic word to the mom. Would you be offended if I did so?
